Plans have been submitted to convert a union office building in York into holiday lets.

The plans concern the offices of the GMB at 75 Gillygate, a 2-storey building described in the application as “redundant offices.”

Planning agents Vincent and Brown says the scheme would convert the offices into five studio apartments, with rebuilt ground floor walls, new stair and attic conversion. The footprint of the building would remain unchanged.

There would also be two new access doors, with one giving access to a communal staircase leading to four studio flats.

A letter of objection from Barrie Stephenson of Claremont Terrace says the area has high density of occupation, with many HMOs.

“In a city with a housing crisis it is disappointing to see a property converted to holiday lets, when residents are desperate for somewhere to live,” he continued.

The area also lacks sufficient parking.

He added: “I do value the development of the site to improve its appearance, but the proposed change of use is too high a price to pay without serious reconsideration of how it will be used.”