THE Government has completely lost the plot.

First of all the Brexit debacle led to skilled EU workers leaving the country, something that Leave voters thought would solve all our problems. It didn't. For starters, there are now seven million on the NHS waiting lists because of recruitment problems across the health service. Similar challenges in social care, hospitality, agriculture, construction, and more.

Did Brexit at least reduce immigration? Not at all. Immigration hit nearly 800,000 last year; only five per cent of those immigrants now come from the EU.

The Tory solution to the problem they have caused: force employers to pay those migrant workers more as a way of preventing migrants coming. How will that work? How will that fix the shortage of skilled healthcare workers or bring down waiting lists?

Few EU workers brought dependents with them. Almost half of new non-EU migrants bring dependents.

Brexit is a disaster to our standard of living, to the health service, to environmental standards, and everything else, and everything the Government does just makes things worse.

Christian Vassie,

Blake Court,

Wheldrake, York


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Ronnie is a winner

COMMENTS uttered over many years by Ronnie O'Sullivan have left the public somewhat puzzled, but one can never question his talent for snooker, having become the oldest winner of the UK Championship, 30 years after becoming the youngest.

To perform at the highest level over such a prolonged period is that of a genius, well deserving the accolade of being the nation's Sports Personality of the Year.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,

