A WOMAN has been injured in a crash with a cyclist in York city centre.

Police are investigating a crash involving a pedestrian and a cyclist that left one person in hospital.

The pedestrian was using a pedestrian crossing when the rider collided with her in Monkgate, York.

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A police spokesman said: "A conversation took place between the woman and the man who was riding a bike.

"The cyclist left no details and the pedestrian attended hospital and was treated for concussion and bruising before being released the same evening.

"It happened between 7pm and 8pm on Sunday, October 22.

"The pedal cyclist is described as of Middle Eastern appearance, in his late 30s, around 5ft 8ins to 5ft 10ins tall and was wearing dark clothing.

"His bike was not believed to be fitted with lights and was fitted with a Deliveroo food delivery bag on the rear."

Anyone with information that could assist the investigation should email paul.dixon@northyorkshire.police.uk You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101 and ask for Paul Dixon. If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Please quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230206747.