A YORK charity is opening its doors for a Christmas fare, selling member made products to the public.

The Hut, Wigginton Road, is a member led charity that supports adults in York that struggle with their mental health or have learning difficulties.

The charity was founded in 2011 by three psychiatric nurses, and is now looking to raise money ahead of next year, as they hope to get work done on their current building.

With the charity serving over 20-30 members a day, The Hut is asking for funds to help them relocate temporarily in the new year.

Service manager at The Hut, Emma Little, explained the purpose of charity and said: “It’s to get people out of isolation, from being lonely.

“We believe everyone leaves their disability at the door here, they’re a person, not a label.”

York Press: members at The Hut are encouraged to learn new skills

The Hut prides itself on being a member-led charity, meaning their activities they do are decided on by the members they serve.

Emma said: “When they come in, they decide what they want to do.

“They might be in the garden, the kitchen. We let them choose our programme.”

One of the key activities at The Hut is making items for their shop ‘The Hive’.

York Press: Members at The Hut designing items for their shop

Included in the fundraising Christmas fare on Saturday (November 4), from 10.30am - 12.30am. The public will be invited to attend, joining in on a tombola and raffle, as well as shopping some of the items made for ‘The Hive’.

Members are encouraged to produce and craft their own items and operate in the member run shop. In doing this, they’re given the opportunity to develop not only skills, but also practical experience of running and working in a retail environment, Emma said: “This isn’t play, this is real and they’re able to do this”.

York Press: Inside The Hive

For the public, this is also an opportunity to engage with the members at The Hut. Walking down Wigginton Road, people can go inside, meet a member wearing their staff apron and purchase a memento for less than £5, that also acts as a donation to the charity.

Emma said: “We want people to come in and talk to our members and break that barrier down between us and them.”

“Everything is a little different, but they’re made with love and care”.

The shop is set to be open during The Hut’s normal hours of operation, typically 10am-3pm. The public are invited to knock on the door or look out for an ‘open’ sign placed outside.