A YORK-based mum is set to celebrate achieving a top honour – all done at the same time as moving house three times, changing jobs twice and getting married.

Hazel Davis, 30, who is assistant leader for 50th York Guides has won the prestigious Queen’s Guide Award for girlguiding and will join other winners at an event in London on November 25.

Hazel said: “Completing this award has been a big milestone in my life and an achievement that I will forever be proud of.

“I'm really looking forward to being able to celebrate being a Queen's Guide at the Girlguiding Celebrates event.” 

The award is the highest young women can work towards in Girlguiding. 

It provides the opportunity to develop skills, give back to guiding and support local communities. 

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It took Hazel three years to complete the Queen’s Guide award, which saw her complete activities including helping to plan York’s St George's Day parade, creating an A-Z tour of Dublin and gaining her Girlguiding camping licence. 

She said: “It was a hectic time but the skills I learned all transferred into real life.

“Who knew that being on a committee for a guiding event would be such helpful preparation for arranging all the stakeholders, family and venue needs of a wedding?

“Without a doubt I would not have developed anywhere near the skills I have career-wise if I hadn’t done my Queen’s Guide award.

“I’m incredibly thankful to guiding for all the opportunities I have been able to access.”

Despite her busy career – her current role is Learning and Development Trainer for the Science Museum Group, Hazel still finds time to volunteer with 50th York Guides.

She said: “I enjoy spending time seeing the Guides grow into themselves, learn how to solve problems and experience doing exciting things for the first time – like learning how to light matches safely and make popcorn over tealights!”