SPARK is visited by thousands of young people in a year and gives good services.

A car park with 43 spaces (The Press, Letters, November 1) would draw up to 1,000 extra cars a week into the central area (assuming an average stay of two hours).

York is rightly aiming at greening the City centre - this would be a big step backwards.

SPARK is a touch of the 21st century in a city trading on the mediaeval.

Yes we need to get value for money but not by killing off a local initiative and a key amenity for Generation Z - and the next one.

Nick Bosanquet,

(Resident and taxpayer),

Bishophill Senior,



What is your view?

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It cost £16 to leave luggage in York

MY family visited us for the weekend. Going back to Northumberland yesterday, my cousin and her seven-year-old boys decided to leave their luggage at York Station and look round York.

Shock horror- no left luggage facility at York Station. My cousin asked a member of staff and was given a leaflet telling her she could leave it at a shop in High Petergate - Yorbag left luggage. For two seven-year-olds carrying very heavy rucksacks it was quite a trek! It was £4 a bag. Cost my cousin £16.

Certainly not impressed that this facility has been moved from the station and there is no replacement.

Dorothea Scarlett, York

(address supplied)


Not the spirit

VISITING Ripon on a pouring wet day , the car park was chock-a-block with vehicles.

After waiting a good few minutes I was lucky to find a parking place.

Later whilst walking Pippa (the dog) I walked past the electric vehicle charging points with a prominent sign saying "for electric vehicles only".

Out of the five electric vehicles parked in the parking bays only one was actually charging their vehicle, the others just taking advantage of the parking places.

Not in the spirit of the charging points.

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,

Monkgate, York