MOTHERS of pupils at a school believe motorists parking on narrow streets near the site are putting their children's lives "at risk".

The group state that drivers who park in Princess Road and Princess Close outside Mount Pleasant Junior School in Market Weighton could cause harm to the children, after two have already been bumped by vehicles and a male pedestrian was recently struck on the head and shoulder by a vehicle’s mirror as it pulled away.

One of the mums, who wishes to remain anonymous, said: “Every school day, from before 3pm, there is a rush by parents picking up their children to park as near as possible to the gates of the school. The worst affected area is Princess Road and Princess Close.

“Princess Close is a tiny street consisting of a small number of bungalows mostly for elderly people and is yards from the school gates. Every afternoon, a stream of cars park over the pavement, blocking access for mums and dads walking to the school to collect their children, some of them with under school age kiddies in pushchairs.

“Their only route is to walk along the road itself. The road is so congested that emergency vehicles would have no chance of getting through to aid any of the local elderly residents. We have complained on numerous occasions, but nothing has been done."

Another protesting young mum said the pavements outside the school are blocked every day and action needs to be taken.

The calls come two years after the School Street parking scheme was launched by East Riding of Yorkshire Council outside the Market Weighton school - and some parents are saying enough is enough and are calling on Humberside Police to act.

The parking scheme was launched in October 2021 as a joint venture between the council and Humberside Police with the aim of persuading parents to park away from the school and walk to collect their children. A park and stride arrangement with Tesco whereby parents can park free of charge in the supermarket car park was announced but the group of mothers said very few people use this.

In a statement issued in October 2021, Paul Bellotti, East Riding of Yorkshire Council executive director, said: “We would like to remind drivers to use the park and stride venue, however if drivers choose to park elsewhere, please make sure this is done considerately and does not cause any obstruction to either the footpath, driveways or carriageway.

“Humberside Police will be enforcing the legal Traffic Regulation Order with either an official formal written warning or possible fine to those who travel in the restricted zone without a permit of exemption.”

The group said the Humberside Police Neighbourhood Superintendent visited the area months ago to see the problem and requested the enforcement team take appropriate action.