YORK Normandy veteran Ken Cooke wowed Acomb scouts with tales of his wartime experiences – after meeting their scout leader Becky Lincoln at the recent York Community Pride awards.

Ken, 98, a former Green Howards private who took part as a young man in the D-Day landings at Gold Beach, was named Community Pride Person of the Year at the awards at York Racecourse on September 28.

Becky, who juggles a job as a 999 call handler with being a Scout leader, was named Volunteer of the Year at the same event.

The pair got talking, hit it off – and Becky invited Ken to talk to her 2nd Acomb Scouts group at Our Lady’s church hall in Cornlands Road, Acomb, last night (October 27).

You could have heard a pin drop, Becky said, as Ken told his audience of beavers, cubs and scouts about his wartime experiences – and the D-Day landing itself.

York Press: Normandy veteran Ken Cooke at an event at York Railway Station earlier this yearNormandy veteran Ken Cooke at an event at York Railway Station earlier this year (Image: Newsquest)

The scout group marks Remembrance Day every year, Becky said.

But hearing first hand from a veteran who had taken part in the Normandy landings was something different.

“It made it all very real to them,” she said.

“They thought Ken was brilliant!”

There were even a few giggles as Ken demonstrated his trademark sense of humour – not least recounting some of his banter with his late, great friend and fellow Normandy veteran, Flying Officer Douglas Petty, who sadly died at the start of this year.

Nick Beilby of the York Normandy Veterans, who helped Becky arrange Ken’s visit, said: “At the end the scouts asked some well thought out questions and then surprised Ken by presenting him with one of their neckerchiefs. A great night for all concerned.”

Becky said she had been deluged with messages from parents after the event telling her how much Ken's visit had meant to their children.

This time of year is always a busy one for Ken, Nick admitted.

In a couple of weeks he will be the guest of honour at a special service of ‘reflection and remembrance’ at St Lawrence’s Church in York.

The service, on Friday November 10 at 7pm, will be led by the church’s vicar, Fr Adam Romanis.

It will be attended by the Lord Mayor of York Cllr Chris Cullwick and the rest of the civic party, as well as Easingwold Air Cadets and by members of the armed services from Queen Elizabeth barracks.

But the highlight of the evening will be Ken reading the poem The Veteran: a poem he read at the funeral services of both his friend Douglas Petty earlier this year and their fellow York Normandy veteran Sid Metcalfe last December. Both funeral services were held at St Lawrence’s.

York Press: York Normandy veterans Douglas Petty, left, and Sid Metcalfe, right, as young men in uniform. Photos supplied by familiesYork Normandy veterans Douglas Petty, left, and Sid Metcalfe, right, as young men in uniform. Photos supplied by families (Image: Supplied)

The November 10 service, which is open to everyone, will be a chance to remember them both, Nick said – and all of those in the armed services who have given their lives for their country.