A village near York is flushed with happiness at refurbished toilets in its village hall.

A launch party in Melbourne recently featured project architect Stuart Turton and village hall chairman Jonathan Sykes.

The event coincided with a Murder Mystery evening arranged by the village hall committee to ensure the new facilities were fully “tested”.

The fully modernised toilets, including a disabled toilet and baby changing facilities, were funded by a £39,555 grant from FCC Communities Foundation.

To give Melbourne Village Hall a further boost, the hall committee have also refurbished the main hall and kitchen to make the venue very attractive for a range of events.

Jonathon Sykes, Chairman of Melbourne Village Hall thanked the FCC Communities Foundation for the funding, saying it was essential for the scheme.

He added: “This vital facility is going to make a real difference to those who use the Village Hall, as well as the wider Melbourne community. We have already received many words of praise from visitors to the Village Hall.”

FCC Communities Foundation is a not-for-profit business that awards grants for community projects through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Penny Horne, FCC Communities Foundation grant manager, added it was wonderful to support the village with the much-needed facility, adding it is open to similar requests for funding.