FIVE new gritters are preparing to go to work as the first sub-zero temperatures of this winter are forecast for tonight.

Elvis Spreadley, Meltem John, Double Snow Seven, Snowy Tribbiana and Sleeter Levy will join the rest of East Riding of Yorkshire Council’s gritting fleet keeping east Yorkshire’s roads, including the Yorkshire Wolds, clear of ice and frost.

All the names were chosen by members of the public. Nine-year-old Cory Small of Driffield chose the name Snowy Tribbiani – after the character Joey Tribbiani from the hugely popular 90s comedy Friends – at this year’s Driffield Show.

The five new gritters bring the total number of gritters for the council to 21.

Councillor Paul West, the council’s cabinet member for environment and transport, said: “I want to say a big thank you to all residents who suggested names and especially those who came up with the chosen five, they are genius.

“It’s all a bit of fun but it makes our gritters more visible. I really hope people will spot the gritters out on the roads and smile and wave at our drivers.”