An East Yorkshire fisherman faces a £33,050 court bill after his fishing led to him being prosecuted under sea life conservation and fishing regulation laws.

Sam Law is the skipper of Our Helena R51 fishing vessel and was accused of taking lobsters illegally from the sea.

He was charged in relation to the catch he landed at Bridlington Fish Quay on April 20 this year.

When he appeared before Scarborough Magistrates Court, he pleaded guilty to four charges in a case prosecuted by East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

The 28-year-old, of Redwood Close, Bridlington, admitted landing two egg bearing lobsters, three mutilated lobsters, 11 soft shelled lobsters and one lobster under the minimum size allowed to be brought ashore.

He was fined £7,500 for each offence and also ordered to pay a £2,000 statutory surcharge and £1,050 prosecution costs.