The father of a seven-year-old boy diagnosed with a life-threatening brain tumour is hoping to give his son the chance to undergo treatment.

Adam Craven, from Sherburn in Elmet, aims to raise £15,000 to help treat his son Jack.

This summer, Jack was diagnosed with a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) - an aggressive, cancerous brain tumour affecting the sensation and muscles of the face.

York Press: Jack was diagnosed with a brain tumour this summerJack was diagnosed with a brain tumour this summer (Image: Adam Craven)

The condition has a zero per cent survival rate, with an average survival range of between eight and 11 months.

It has no cure, but trials have started to take place overseas in countries including the USA, Germany, France and the Netherlands to treat the condition.

They are, however, expensive – costing five to six figure sums.

York Press: Jack with dad Adam and brothers Billy and Oliver Jack with dad Adam and brothers Billy and Oliver (Image: Adam Craven)

Adam is determined to raise £15,000 to give his son the chance of treatment if one becomes available. He said all extra funds will be donated to support children struggling with illness.  

Due to his condition, Jack has lost his ability to walk, talk, and struggles with breathing and swallowing. He is now unable to attend school at Sherburn Holgate Primary School.

York Press: Jack CravenJack Craven (Image: Adam Craven)

Jack is undergoing radio therapy and will undertake an MRI scan in three months to find out if swelling on his brain has reduced.

Adam said if the swelling has gone down, Jack is more likely to be accepted on a trial overseas. This gives him three months to find a trial for his son.

Due to his ongoing treatment Jack may be unable to fly. So, Adam hopes to purchase a motorhome and drive him to a country offering a trial.

“We have to try and fight this,” he said. “Our precious boy still has so much to experience in his life.”

York Press: Jack in happier timesJack in happier times (Image: Adam Craven)

Adam, 33, who works in car sales in Leeds, said the family “will never give up without a fight”.

Adam and his partner, Jack’s mother Chrissie Marshall, 33, a deputy head teacher of a pupil referral unit in Bradford, have been unable to work as they must care for Jack full-time.

Jack’s devastating diagnoses comes after he and his twin brother Billy were born with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome - a condition where blood flows unequally between twins that share a placenta.

Adam said the family were told during the pregnancy to “be prepared for the worst”.

York Press: 'Football mad' Jack'Football mad' Jack (Image: Adam Craven)

Billy has just recovered from his medical treatments due to the condition.

“They are an absolute miracle,” said Adam.

He said Jack, Billy and their younger brother Oliver, six, are “football mad”.

Prior to his diagnosis Jack would spend hours kicking a ball around with his brothers and create artwork for his family.

Adam’s fundraiser towards treatment for his son is currently at £13,840.

He thanked everyone that has helped support the fund and added: “Although Jack can’t say much right now, I’m confident he feels the love around him.”

To donate towards Adam’s fundraiser visit his GoFundMe page: