ANOTHER closure order has been issued due to drug crimes at a property in an East Yorkshire town.

Following three closure orders granted last week, East Riding of Yorkshire Council has issued a further closure order on a council-owned property in Bessingby Gate in Bridlington, following activity by Humberside Police, which recently exercised warrants for drug related organised crime at the properties as part of Operation Shield.

In addition to the order, the tenant was ordered to pay £567 costs direct to the council.

Councillor Leo Hammond, the council’s portfolio holder for planning, communities and public protection, said: “Our officers will continue to work together with Humberside Police to protect our residents and communities they live in from serious nuisance caused by people dealing drugs and by users coming to their house throughout the day and night.

"I urge anyone involved in dealing to think twice and for those going to get drugs, to seek help and support."

The closure order granted by Beverley magistrates on Wednesday (October 4), means that no one can enter the property for three months, other than officers from the council, police, other emergency services or utility providers.

The council said it has also served Notice Seeking Possession on the tenant and intends to seek full possession through the courts.