MEET Sox - a four-year-old domestic shorthair cat who is desperately looking for a home (and an owner) she can call her own...

Sox was brought in to the RSPCA's York animal home off Landing Lane by an inspector after being found abandoned.

Staff at the centre describe her as a 'very sweet girl' who it is a delight to be around.

"She has settled in well at the centre and is an absolute delight to know," a member of staff at the animal home said.

"She loves a fuss and a play and will then snuggle up in bed for a snooze.

"She will make someone who is lucky enough to adopt her the most loyal, loving and affectionate best friend."

Staff at the animal home who have got to know Sox say she 'would love to have a family she can snuggle up on the sofa with and watch TV'.

"She really will make a wonderful addition to the family," the RSPCA staff member said.

The RSPCA says that Sox is suitable to live with children aged six years and over.

They are not sure, however, that she could tolerate living with another cat.

Sox has a deformed back leg.

Staff at the animal centre say that this dos not bother her at all.

But because of it, she will need to be a permanent house cat.

To find out more about Sox, or about other animals like her that the York RSPCA may have available for adoption at the m moment, visit

The RSPCA York Animal Home is an independent animal shelter and relies upon the support and funding of local supporters to allow it to rehome hundreds of cats, dogs, small animals and wildlife each year.