A BRAVE girl from York, who was diagnosed with cancer at just two years old after her mum could feel her liver while hugging her, has started school after beating the disease.

Sophia Wylie was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma after her mum Danielle Wylie noticed an unusual lump under her ribs.

Danielle said she took her daughter to see a GP, who saw her straight away and referred her to Leeds General Infirmary for an ultrasound - which found a mass on her liver.

Danielle, 38, said: “It was at this point her dad James and I were trying to control our panic and keep things as relaxed as we could for Sophia.

York Press: Sophia during her treatmentSophia during her treatment (Image: Supplied)

"Our worst fears were confirmed when the MRI scan confirmed there was a tumour and that same day they wanted to take a biopsy and fit a port line into her chest area to enable treatment.

"From that moment we were thrown right into the deep end of cancer, tests and treatment. It was a really scary time."

Part way through her chemotherapy Sophia had an operation to remove the mass. This surgery removed over a third of her liver, her gallbladder and part of her small intestine.

"Sophia really was incredible throughout it all and still is now. She’s kept us going," her mum added.

For around six months the family’s world was turned upside down with long stays at the hospital in Leeds and trips back and forth for different treatment - all while trying to keep things as normal as possible for their son Samuel, who was just five at the time.

Danielle added: “Samuel is Sophia’s best friend. He has been super through it all and worked so hard to catch up on school. He is always there to show her how to have an adventure, something she has missed out on for so long."

York Press: Sophia with her brother Samuel before her diagnosisSophia with her brother Samuel before her diagnosis (Image: Supplied)

After months of treatment Sophia was given the all clear in April 2022 and it was time for the family to rebuild their life.

This has included going on a bus for the first time, meeting family in Northern Ireland that she’d never seen and this February Sophia celebrated her fourth birthday by having her first birthday party with friends.

And the firsts haven’t stopped there, with the four-year-old just starting school, a milestone her family had longed for her to achieve.

Her dad, James Wylie, 39, said: "Sophia has been so excited about getting to school and asked over the last year if it was time yet. It has been very emotional seeing her take this big step, but her enthusiasm and excitement has made it a wonderful experience."

York Press: Sophia when she graduated from nursery in August this yearSophia when she graduated from nursery in August this year (Image: Supplied)

The family are also supporting TK Maxx’s Give Up Clothes for Good campaign, in aid of Cancer Research UK for Children and Young People.

Danielle said: “It’s thanks to research that Sophia is here today. That’s why raising money for Cancer Research UK for Children & Young People is so vital."