YORK City Council has notices around York at various cycle racks stating that “Abandoned or damaged bicycles will be removed after 30 days”.

That is rubbish! There are two bicycles, one in Piccadilly (outside Sainsbury’s) and one in Pavement (outside Barclay’s) both have been there for a long time, in fact months.

Over 30 days ago I contacted City of York City and I got a reply back stating that abandoned bikes have to reported to the Police first in case they have been stolen.

Considering that both bikes have no wheels I am not sure why anyone would steal them.

But my point is that if the council has a notice stating that fact then why don’t they do it?

Once again there is no real enforcement of the rules that the council put out. And so residents and visitors alike will continue to see the very sad skeletons of abandoned bikes adorn our city centre, making it look very tatty and neglected!

Lynette Mills,




Enlighten us over 'fracked' geothermal wells

AT last our country and perhaps the world, has regained sense! Fracking had caused intense opposition and quite rightly. This planet or our species are on a collision course with extinction, difficult to calculate but 100 years approx.

I have read with interest these latest reports regarding Kirby Misperton fracking sites as now being transformed to geothermal wells!

What genius runs these sites now? You deserve Nobel Peace prizes if this becomes our future.

Peace and wisdom to these future saviours of our planet. We need more enlightenment!

Phil Shepherdson,




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Our 'entrepreneurs' are really oligarchs

THIRTY years ago the debate was whether sovereignty lay in the British Parliament or whether it lay in 10 Downing Street.

Today, the debate is whether sovereignty resides with huge financial institutions, or with global oligarchs.

Our politicians in Parliament are beholden to these centres of power. Sir Jonathan Van-Tam, has been given the post of adviser for US pharmaceutical giant, Moderna, for his services to the now global health oligarchy during the Covid pandemic.

Our politicians know if they speak or act in the wrong way their funders will stop funding, as is the same with journalism which depends on advertising and access.

Print the wrong thing and advertisers will choose a more compliant media outlet to advertise with.

Ironically, it's easy to show how the wealth of the former Soviet Union was stolen by Russian oligarchs, but the West has to maintain the pretence that we live in a democracy with a pluralistic economy, etc.

The West doesn't have oligarchs. These western multi-billionaires, whose companies literally have monopolies over the industries within which they operate, are "entrepreneurs".

Our entrepreneurs are philanthropists who donate billions to good causes, like vaccine development, and later profit from the same causes they formerly funded. It's like a shrewd investment, but presented as an act of unbridled generosity.

Louis Shawcross,

Inns Court,


Co Down,

Northern Ireland


Food for thought

READING in The Press that Iceland is to start selling exotic meats as part of a new range - ostrich and wild boar burgers are now in the freezers - reminded me of the drunk who went into the burger shop and ordered a crocodile sandwich, saying: "and make it snappy!".

D M Deamer,

Penleys Grove Street,

