A WOMAN was attacked by a man while walking her dog with her daughter near a bridge in York.

North Yorkshire Police officers said the incident happened on the racecourse side of the river in the Millennium Bridge area at around 12pm on Tuesday (August 22) as the woman, who is in her 50s, was walking her dog with her teenage daughter.

A police spokesperson said: "A man, who was also walking his dogs, barged into her while making misogynistic comments. Earlier in the day, the same man had carried out a similar offence against the same woman during a morning walk.

"A man in his 50s has been interviewed under caution in connection with the investigation.

"We are appealing for witnesses to come forward. In particular, we would like to speak to two women who were walking nearby at around 12pm, both were believed to wearing pink clothing.

"Anyone was in the area at the time and can assist the investigation, including the two women in pink clothing, is asked to get in touch."

Email any information to toby.spencer@northyorkshire.police.uk. You can also call North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option two and ask for PC Toby Spencer.

If you wish to remain anonymous, you can pass information to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12230158128.