WHERE did you have your best ever meal out in York?

And is there a long-closed restaurant you pine for?

York foodies will have spotted the pun in the above sentence, because Pines on Nunnery Lane was a popular restaurant that many readers recall with affection.

We asked readers to share their foodie memories - see if you agree with the plates they used to rate:

Graham Cross plumped for Thymes "Next to the Edinburgh arms. My wife and I loved it, then it changed to an Indian."

Sue Norman went for a popular choice: "Plunketts in 1980s had good food and brilliant atmosphere."

York Press: Blue Bicycle in Fossgate - once one of the best places to eat in the cityBlue Bicycle in Fossgate - once one of the best places to eat in the city

Dick Sefton said: "Bibi’s Italian in Micklegate with Bobby Hurst tickling the ivories."

Many readers recalled with fondness York restaurateur Lew Speight who owned Lew's Place, on King's Staith, and The Grange Restaurant at Shipton-by-Beningbrough. Lew died in a road accident in Spain in 2003.

Irene Hollett said: "Lew was a complete one-off. We spent all our special occasions at The Grange."

And she recalled: "Lew loved clocks and my husband used to mend them for him in exchange for a meal."

Annie Horn recalled her favourite meal. "Best ever meal was silver service lunch at Terry's Restaurant with my grandmother."

Julie Pavis gave her votes to the long gone Blue Bicycle and J Bakers, both Fossgate restaurants that helped develop the reputation of York as a foodie destination.

York Press: El Piano, when it was in Grape LaneEl Piano, when it was in Grape Lane

Gillian Brunings said: "Grunts was great and we always went to Old Orleans as a family to celebrate special occasions."

Roger Gibbons said: "Loved 19 Grape Lane; had a meal there one night sat in the window upstairs looking down Swinegate while it was snowing. Brilliant."

Lisa Bassmore recalls working in a former York restaurant: "I used to work at The Four Seasons Restaurant in Goodramgate in the early 90s."


Tell us your best meal and favourite restaurant. Join our Facebook group Why We Love York - Memories, find us at: www.facebook.com/groups/yorknostalgia


Looby Holliday gave a big shout for another York favourite, no longer with us: The Go Down.

Jenny Borrett said: "I loved El Piano, the first place I went to for a meal when I moved to York in 1998 and when I found out I was pregnant in 2001 I treated myself to a lunch there. By coincidence there was a table of barber shop singers on the next table and they sang 'must have been a beautiful baby'. I will never forget that or the amazing food!"

We musn't forget fast food. Jackie Wilson said: "Not a restaurant, but Wimpys were brilliant."

And Lynne Barker reminded us of Dreamville in King’s Square. "Great burgers and ice cream sundaes, when they were a novelty."