NORTH Yorkshire Police are giving gardening advice as part of the fight against crime.

They have produced a list of plants that can deter burglars and others from targeting houses. They are also issuing advice on pruning and how to use a garden to make a home less attractive for thieves. 

Here are some of the police gardening tips.

Don’t hide the front of a property behind overgrown bushes, high fences of walls, because they make it easy for a burglar to get close to the house or flat without being seen.

Keep trees and shrubs cut back to prevent them becoming hiding places for criminals and thieves.

The opposite applies at the sides and back of the property, say the police. Make life difficult for criminals here by using high fences and planting bushes and shrubs with thorns, such as berberis, poncirus, pyracantha (firethorns), ribes (flowering currant) plants and climbing roses.

Police say the shrubs are more effective if planted close together.

In general, say North Yorkshire Police, consider installing external lighting – even when the days are longer, they say this still provides a good deterrent, especially if they are on a sensor and activate when it is dark.

Gravel driveways and paths make sure anyone approaching can be heard.

Move bins away from side walls and fences. Don't leave ladders and tools outside.... think like a thief! They could be used to break into your home Always make sure any sheds and outbuildings are locked.

The full details are published in the force’s Facebook page.