CELEBRATIONS are underway at a York school after a visit from inspectors.

Ofsted carried out an ungraded inspection at Rufforth Primary School in Wetherby Road in the village to establish if it remains ‘Good’ following its previous inspection in January 2012.

The report found that Rufforth, which has 99 pupils, continues to be a good school, opening with the statement: “Leaders’ ambition for pupils at Rufforth Primary School is summed up in their vision, ‘excellence in a family atmosphere’. This ambition is realised through adults’ high expectations of pupils. Pupils rise to these expectations.”

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Head teacher, Jill Richards, said: “I am delighted and incredibly proud that the inspectors recognised all that is wonderful about our school. The positivity of this report reflects our journey towards an outstanding judgement and is testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire ‘Rufforth Family’”.

Talking about what it is like to attend the school, the report described pupils’ behaviour as exemplary, saying: “they treat each other with the utmost respect. Bullying almost never happens, but if it does, adults make sure it stops.”

Inspectors carried out in depth reviews of reading, mathematics and physical education through visiting lessons, looking at samples of pupils’ work and speaking to teachers and pupils about their learning.

Highlighting the strengths of the curriculum, the report said: “Leaders have created a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum.”

“Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), learn the same ambitious curriculum as their peers. Leaders work to remove any barriers that pupils might face to their learning.”

The report also highlighted the extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities at the school saying: “Leaders provide pupils with many opportunities to develop their talents and interests. Pupils enjoy the wide range of clubs in areas such as singing, sports and arts.”

“Pupils develop a deep understanding of different faiths, relationships and diversity. Pupils talk about issues like consent and healthy relationships with considerable maturity.”

Inspectors said that on some occasions, teachers do not enable pupils to practise what they have been taught in ways that help them to learn better over time and that leaders should further enhance staff’s knowledge and pedagogical expertise to help pupils to learn well across all subjects. 

Chairperson of governors, Liz Raspa, said: “Having seen how much work the entire staff team at Rufforth have put into the school improvements observed during the Oftsed visit, as a Local Governing Committee, we are immensely proud of them all and the children. Reading the feedback about our children and their respect for each other was an absolute pleasure. They really do embody the school values of inspire, care and grow.”

The school is part of Pathfinder Multi Academy Trust, a partnership of ten church and community schools serving more than 4,200 students and their families across York.

Pathfinder’s CEO, Andrew Daly, said: “I am particularly pleased that the report highlights the many strengths of the curriculum and the wealth of enrichment opportunities available to broaden children’s learning and experiences.”