Broadband provider Quickline is offering residents and businesses in North Yorkshire a new zero cost, zero contract offer.

The three-month ‘try-before-you buy’ offer is available to new household and business customers in areas including Selby; Drax; Carlton; Skelton; Danby Wiske; Deighton and Naburn.

Quickline says it is investing significantly in a hybrid network of fibre and 5G fixed wireless broadband serving rural areas of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.

CEO Sean Royce said: “Instead of forcing customers to lock into a lengthy contract from the get-go, we’re empowering them to make their own decision, on their terms, and in their own time.

“We’re confident customers who take up this offer will be delighted with the service and never look back!”

The broadband provider is offering new customers 90 days of free broadband, without any conditions or catches. If they love the service, they can sign up for a contract. If they’re not happy, they can leave with no charge or penalty.

If customers want more time to decide, Quickline says they can move onto a rolling contract.

Fibre broadband customers can receive speeds of up to 900Mbps, with fixed wireless customers benefiting from speeds of up to 200Mbps.

Quickline can be contacted at 01482 247365 or