A YORK couple are flying high after opening a new gymnastics centre in York.

Sophie and Joe Samuels have opened their new Flying Ducks base at Clifton Moor.

The couple, who set up Flying Ducks four years ago, already run gymnastics and trampolining classes across York and Wetherby, but now have a dedicated centre to offer gymnastics classes for children aged from four up to 16.

Sophie said: "We have a dedicated space with proper equipment including proper bars and full-height beam with lots of floor space."

The couple manage a team of ten who work across the new site and take classes elsewhere, usually in school halls in York and Wetherby.

Luke Edmond and Vicky Turner have been taking gymnastics classes at the new base at Audax Close, Clifton Moor. Sophie and Joe teach trampolining - currently out of the Mount School in York.

Sophie said: "Joe and I met through the trampolining club at the University of York, where I became president and he the head coach.

"As part of being involved in the club at university, we set up a kids club to coach children and when we finished uni we didn't want to stop so we continued."

York Press: Inside the new Flying Ducks gymnastics centre in YorkInside the new Flying Ducks gymnastics centre in York (Image: Supplied)

The couple both hold down full-time jobs while continuing their coaching programmes with young people in our area.

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Joe said the new centre was a proper milestone for the business, which the couple set up just before the pandemic.

He said they now teach around 200 children in the local area but hope to extend their offer - and the experience for young people - thanks to the new base at Clifton Moor

Joe said: "The equipment is better so the children can attempt to do harder skills."

Sophie added: "Having our own site gives us the flexibility to run holiday clubs and birthday parties and even look to run a self-defence class."

It's a big commitment for the couple because they each work full time: Sophie, 29, in HR, while Joe, 31, runs his own business buying and selling guitars.

Sophie said: "It is a challenge, but if it is something your love, you find the time for it."

Find out more at: www.flyingduckstrampoline.co.uk