SITTING with my sister in our York Railway Station hoping her train to Manchester airport might arrive on time or at all!

Luckily this was a pipe dream because she - two fingers Aussie style - decided that rail strikes were not for her and got herself a very reliable taxi to the airport.

Expensive? She didn't miss her flight. Expensive therefore no.

Expensive falls on our TransPennine contract with its incompetent service over the years.

Thank goodness that this foot dragging government at last saw the light and reacted to the rail travelling passenger misery. Expensive maybe now with their lack of drivers to run this system but a good start in the right direction. Engage with our reality PM!

Phil Shepherdson,




What a fine mess the Tories are making

IF ever there was a time for the party hierarchy to walk into number ten and tell Sunak and Hunt they lead a Tory government and not a pseudo Labour one it is now.

Smiles and promises by Sunak, dour sermons by Hunt are cutting no ice with everyday life.

Illegal immigrants are still arriving by the boat load; NHS waiting lists dilate by the day; farming, steel - vital industries - garner little support in Whitehall; police forces from county to county consider crime a hindrance; a non-existent housing policy; "levelling up the north" a national joke.

"Wokeism" has been allowed to dictate all aspects of education from nursery school to university; taxation - Hunt to the letter has adhered to policies of which any Labour chancellor would be proud.

And finally, the civil service, with regard to Brexit, continues to do as it pleases.

Unless action is taken quickly this country is heading for decades of depression.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,

Selby, North Yorkshire


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Putin needs therapy

PUTIN'S speech after the Red Square parade was quite a laugh.

He was stating that Russia was battling against terrorism and Nazi's.

Only in his deranged mind. Two of the most repressive regimes, Belarus and Syria are both backed by Russia, financially and with armaments.

Every terror group in the world seems to use the Kalashnikov AK47 rifle. Supplied by who? Manufactured by who? And he talks about fighting terror and he seems to believe that the world will believe him.

He needs therapy, sooner than later.

Mick Horsman,

Moorland Road,
