YORK and our local landmarks have been put firmly in the frame in these wonderful photos.

We challenged our Press Camera Club members to take photos on the theme of 'through the gap'.

As you can see, they had a lot of fun with the challenge.

It proved to be one of our most popular monthly competitions.



Street life in York! 7 photos showing the city we love

* Camera Club members take photCos on 'through the gap' theme


From a strong field, it was hard to pick the winner, but the honour (and £50 prize) goes to Lee Cocker for his image of Clifford's Tower 'through the gap'.

Congratulations to Lee and well done to all our finalists.

York Press: Winning entry by Lee CockerWinning entry by Lee Cocker (Image: Lee Cocker)



Hollywood and royals flock to York Minster for pop star wedding - look back in photos

Why these York sign-writers need a spell-checker! Can you spot the errors?

Recognise this parade of York shops? It looks different now


The theme for May will be #YorkPastAndPresent - we look forward to seeing your entries.

To join the club, search for ‘The Press Camera Club’ on Facebook - we’d love to see what our region looks like through your lens.

We will feature pictures from our camera club in The Press and online regularly.

If you like seeing photos of York, please follow us on Instagram too @york.press.