The conceit and denial of the ruling Liberal Democrat and Green administration running City of York Council is once again on display when it comes to their city centre Blue Badge Ban (‘Blue Badge holders could easily have access to the city centre, York Press, April 10).

By questioning the ‘independence and factual accuracy’ of the report by postgraduates of York Law School, York’s Liberal Democrat party have chosen to shoot the messenger, rather than listen to the uncomfortable truth.

In so doing they try to call into question the expertise of counter-terror and disability rights academics from the London School of Economics, Oxford, Leeds and Durham Universities as well as the former Superintendent of North Yorkshire Police and the Chair of CYC’s Protect and Prepare (Counter Terrorism) Task Group.

With even hapless Green councillors trying to wriggle out of their ban, it is bewildering to see York Liberal Democrats doubling down on this disastrous policy which has caused so much misery for so many residents.

This latest academic report into the Blue Badge Ban is well researched and painstakingly evidenced. It makes it clear that a balance can be struck that allows Blue Badge holders to ‘easily access the city centre’ without endangering the public. York Labour group has argued all along that this is so. It is another reason why we will reverse the Blue Badge Ban if elected on May 4.

Cllr Pete Kilbane, Deputy Leader, York Labour Group,

Bishophill, York