A YORK church has chosen to become an 'EcoChurch'.

St Paul’s church in Holgate  is joining a scheme which aims to demonstrate that the 'gospel is good news for God’s earth.'

John Tull, of St Paul's, said the church had recently won the EcoChurch Bronze award under the project run by the charity, A Rocha UK, and planned to gain the silver award within the next twelve months.

The online award scheme encourages churches to reduce energy use, protect open space and valuable natural habitats, reduce their contributions to global warming, keep their buildings safe and healthy, lessen pressure on the local water supply and reduce run-off into local waterways.

St Paul’s Rector, Paul Millard said: “Whether you believe in a literal Genesis account, or a Big Bang theory, we can see that creation is wonderful.

"As Christians, we think God has shown his love to us through his creation. Yet through human mis-management and greed, the world has been damaged, and many people have been left suffering and in poverty through the impact on their local environments.

"St Paul’s church want to do our part to try to help. For this reason we have chosen to become an EcoChurch.

"The movement emphasises the biblical mandate of caring for God’s creation and the interconnectedness of all living things. In this regard, it also promotes the challenge to promote a more sustainable and just world.”