York-based Portakabin has gained planning approval to erect a two-storey conference centre and offices to help showcase a new product.

City of York council planners have approved the 725m2 building on a 912m2 site at the company’s headquarters at New Lane, Huntington.

The two-storey building will be made of a new Portakin product called Alta. It would create a ‘conference centre’ for the site and demonstrate the new product.

There will be conference meeting rooms, open office spaces, individual offices, reception area, meeting rooms and associated WC and amenity facilities.

A report by council planning staff says the development was unlikely to be visible to nearby houses. It may increase traffic to the to the site, but this would not be significant. The modular building would not look out of place and not harm the amenity of nearby residents.

Their report added: “The proposal represents an appropriate form of development in this location and conditional consent is recommended

A Portakabin spokesperson told the Press: “We are delighted to have the greenlight to proceed. The conference centre is now part of the ongoing development of our site in Huntington.”