Well done Roland Pearson! (Railway engineer’s one-man campaign against Haxby Railway Station site, March 2).

The idea of reopening a station at Haxby has been a political hobby horse for years and is now being driven through regardless of reason.

The site chosen is totally unsuitable and unsustainable. Apart from a few cyclists willing to take their lives in their hands on this narrow, busy, potholed road the only way to reach the station will be by car.

It is beyond walking distance for Strensall and most of Haxby.

If the cost of building the station is to be recouped, passenger numbers will need to be significant, requiring a large car park on green belt land.

Currently, both Strensall and Haxby are served by excellent bus routes with stops at York Station and near the hospital. Factor in a journey to the new station, parking, waiting for a train (currently one an hour in each direction) and it becomes obvious that the bus is likely to be quicker when going into York. I question the numbers wanting to use this route to go to Scarborough.

If - and it’s a big if - this station ever gets built and if, against all expectations, it attracts passengers, they will be the ones who previously used the bus.

Would First Bus continue to offer such a good service if passenger numbers dropped significantly?

Be careful what you wish for!

Penny Parish, Heath Ride, Strensal