A man has been arrested on suspicion of murder following the death of a woman in a town near York.

Police say they were called to a property in Aspen Close, Market Weighton, in the East Riding of Yorkshire, at around 4.05pm today (Sunday, March 5) following reports of concern for the safety of a woman.

Humberside Police said that when officers arrived they discovered that a woman had died and a murder investigation was launched.

A force spokesperson said the woman’s family was being supported by specially trained officers, adding "our thoughts remain with them at this very sad time".

A 39-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of murder and remains in police custody while officers carry out inquiries to establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident, the spokesperson added.


Senior Investigating Officer (SIO) Doug Blackwood said: “We understand that a tragic incident of this nature will cause shock and concern to the local community, but I would like to reassure people that this is an isolated incident between individuals known to each other with no wider risk to members of the public.

“Those living in the area can expect to see an increased number of officers over the coming days whilst a scene guard remains in place and we continue with our investigation.

“I would encourage anyone with any information, or anyone with any concerns to please come and speak to us."

Anyone who can help the investigation should call the non-emergency number 101 quoting log 326 of 5 March.

If you would prefer to report information anonymously, you can do so by calling the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.