I’VE ceased to be surprised at the number of letters from readers who are simply moaning.

The letters page seems to be a moaners personal space for some regular writers.

I’m in a mind to ignore most but one caught my eye last week and I feed it important to respond.

DM Deamer was complaining about the numbers of potholes in the roads around York. Why doesn’t the council do something!

I’m sure the council would like to do more but, Mr Deamer, had you not noticed that the central government, that Tory lot, has cut York’s road repair budget by £4,800,000? That’s a lot of potholes and resurfacing lost to road users of all types.

So here’s an idea for Mr Deamer and other similar complainers. Why not adopt a pothole? For say £250 small or £500 large you could sponsor the pothole of your choice to be filled in and even have your name printed on it as a “thank you”. That would help road users and the council and you could make a positive point about potholes.

Alternatively, you could write a letter of complaint to Mr Sunak and ask him very nicely to reinstate the missing £4.8m to York’s repairs budget. If you did, I doubt is you would be successful.

Roger Cook


(Full address supplied)