YORK Minster will mark the anniversary if the Russian invasion of Ukraine with a vigil next Friday.

Organised in partnership with local charity York City of Sanctuary, the vigil will include readings, prayers, music and reflections from the Ukrainian Community in York as ‘we continue to hold in our hearts the suffering of all those affected by the war’, a Minster spokesperson said.

The vigil will take place in the cathedral’s nave on Friday February 24 – the anniversary of the invasion - starting at 12 noon and lasting about an hour.

The Revd Canon Maggie McLean, York Minster’s Canon Missioner, said: “The war is a tragedy for the people of Ukraine, for Europe and for Russia.

“We will hold this vigil and pray for the end of this terrible conflict. We must also hold onto the hope that the people of Ukraine will experience peace and safety in their country in the near future.”