Here's who should pay the congestion charge...

I THINK there should be a congestion charge in York. It should be levied against all officers and elected members who supported the imposition of illogical unwarranted street closures and bottlenecks that are causing the congestion we are all suffering from.

Matthew Laverack,

Lord Mayors Walk, York


Let MPs know we care about the missing children

DO we care that in a very recent 12-month period, our Home Secretaries or Education Secretary illegally placed 1606 children, many of them unaccompanied asylum seekers, in hotels?

Of these, 200 are missing. One of the main contributing factors at play in these disappearances is known to be child trafficking for drug dealing or sexual abuse.

It is estimated that ten per cent of young people housed in this way are abducted by criminals who, loitering in the vicinity of hotels, seduce their prey with promises that compliance will avoid a Home Office policy hostile to asylum seekers - their removal to Rwanda. Our Police service seems unable to effect change!

We know we care. But how do our MPs know that we care in sufficient numbers to move them to make a difference?

David Cragg James

Rose Cottage,

Stonegrave, York


Please focus on 'dangerous' pavements in York

WITH reference to the article about over crowding in York at Christmas time (The Press, Thursday, January 26), may I suggest that now the Christmas market in Parliament Street is no longer there some attention is given to the dangerous pavements in that area, particularly the block paving in front of M&S.

Will the safety officer give some thought to the citizens of York who pay Council Tax towards the upkeep of pavements and less thought to the visitors who visit only on odd occasions.

AP Cox

Heath Close

Holgate, York


The Groves closure IS causing traffic jams

YOUR NIMBY correspondent Mr Deamer says opening The Groves would result "in queuing traffic with nowhere to go" like we have now - quite the opposite.

He makes no mention of people being delayed in getting to the hospital in life-threatening emergencies.

I lived along Wigginton Road and there was never traffic jams when Vyner and Fountayne streets were also open (as was The Groves).

He says he avoided traffic jams by going through side streets; I wish we all could do the same on the street he lives on.

John Zimnoch,

Osbaldwick, York


Harry and Megan - two letters

AS Pamela Brown says, Prince Harry's case against his family "is all quite ordinary"(The Press, letters, January 21). Yes, indeed! And this point is neatly made by Anonymous, in Kirsten Antoncich's column of Monday, January 16 ('My family just don't like my wife'). The contribution by Anonymous is something that very much asks to be read twice.

Jan Tutton

Heslington Croft, York

... THE "Markle Debacle" is becoming increasingly tiresome! Harry and Meghan have made their bed and should flippin' lie in it!

Harry could do to take a leaf out of his aunt's book. One of my favourite royals, Princess Anne works diligently but quietly out of the limelight. She gets the job done and calls a spade a spade. Come on Anne, please sort out your nephew!

As an avid reader I certainly won't be reading Harry's latest book.

Jane Garnett

Landsdown Way



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