A MAN who sexually abused two children has been sentenced to 15-years in prison after his victims bravely came forward and reported the abuse they had suffered.

Macauley Clark, 27 of Victoria Road, Driffield, appeared at Hull Crown Court for sentencing yesterday (December 13).

Following a five-day trial, a jury returned a guilty verdict of 18 counts of rape and sexual assault on Monday, November 14.

Detective Sergeant Paul Tyrer leading the investigation said: “Clark abused two innocent and vulnerable children for his own sexual gratification over a prolonged period of time.

“I’d like to commend the bravery and the courage of the victims and their family throughout the entirety of the investigation and court proceedings.

“I hope the outcome will provide them with some comfort in knowing that, by having the courage and strength to come forward, they have undoubtedly prevented others becoming a victim to the actions of this sexual deviant.

“I would like to provide reassurance to anyone who may have suffered sexual abuse to come forward. We will listen to you and support you.

“It is never the victim’s fault, and I would strongly appeal for anybody who believes they are being manipulated into doing something they don’t want to, to speak with an adult or friend and report it to us.

“All victims are encouraged to speak to us, partner agencies or the independent anonymous charity Crimestoppers, when they’re ready, whether they decide to pursue through the justice system or not. You will be believed, and we will thoroughly investigate your report.

“We are committed to making our streets safer by preventing these types of crimes, investigating reported offences and pursuing perpetrators and bringing them to justice.”

If you have been the victim of rape or sexual assault, there are various ways you can report it to the police. You can speak to independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously, or you can report directly through our 101 number, or 999 in an emergency.