HIGHWAYS chiefs are planning to create a new pedestrian and cyclist crossing on a dual carriageway section of York's inner ring road.

The toucan crossing is set to be built on Tower Street close to the entrance to St George's Field car park and just down the slope from Castle Mills Bridge over the River Foss.

A City of York Council report says the project - along with safety improvements for cyclists in Skeldergate - is part of the first phase of its Active Travel Programme aimed at boosting the city's walking and cycling infrastructure, and it is recommended for approval at a decision session meeting next week.

 A spokesperson said cyclists and pedestrians currently had no safe and direct way of crossing Tower Street from the car park, and plans were currently in place to develop the Castle Mills area around the Castle Museum.

They said plans to develop St George’s Field Car Park as part of the Castle Gateway project also rendered the need for a crossing more significant.

They added that the design would initially provide a pedestrian crossing until a planned cycle route was available, when it would be upgraded to a toucan crossing.

They said the Skeldergate scheme would involve a number of safety measures to improve safety, amenity and accessibility for cyclists.

Cycle bypasses would be created at the build-outs which cyclists could pass through without fear of conflict with other road users.

Transport executive member Andy D’Agorne said the projects would make it easier and more attractive for residents to walk, wheel, scoot and cycle safely conveniently around the city.

He said it was 'disappointing' that the council couldn't afford to progress all of the schemes it had initially outlined in its 'ambitious' active travel programme.

However, it was investing £2m in infrastructure, much of which was council funding complementing funding from Active Travel England. 

“We will also be using the groundwork already undertaken to identify schemes and feasibility work into funding bids of what we hope will be Phase 2," he added.

The spokesperson said the council was also encouraging residents and businesses to have their say on a Hospital Fields Road cycle improvements consultation.

They said the proposals included the installation of segregated cycle lanes along Hospital Fields Road to separate cyclists from the carriageway.

"The aim of the scheme is to improve the safety and usability for cyclists by providing segregated cycle lanes in the eastbound direction," they said.

"The consultation closes Monday 19 December at 5pm.

"The Active Travel Programme is part of the council’s overall Transport Capital Programme and highlights upcoming projects and proposed schemes."