City planners have again recommended 21 homes be built in a village near York.

Their support contrasts with councillors refusing the scheme at Middlewood Close, Rufforth, in August.

Mulgrave Developments is now appealing the decision before the planning inspectorate.

The planning committee of City of York Council has said the 1ha site is Green Belt land and the homes would encroach into open countryside and might cause flooding.

The Thursday meeting will consider the same scheme as before, except for a minor change concerning allocating land to ensure better drainage.

Planning staff once again note the site has already been allocated for housing under the Draft Local Plan, which has to be formally adopted.

But Rufforth with Knapton Parish Council still object over the current Green Belt status and have concerns over drainage. Some 22 objections, including representation from Cllr Anne Hook, who also cite traffic fears, and the village having few services, including buses.

Council planners accepted some encroachment into the countryside but said the scheme would respect local character. A pumping station would deal with sewerage issues.

They argue the plan has ‘very special circumstances’ for approval in green belt, including the site being allocated for development.  It would also help York, who cannot determine a 5-year housing supply, meet its housing needs.

Thus, the scheme should be passed on to the Secretary of State for determination, with it recommended for approval if they do not ‘call in’ the application.