A YORK girl has landed a place in the final for Miss Teen Great Britain next year.

Yngrid Espinal, an 11 year old from the city, has got through to the final of the competition which will take place in Blackpool in 2023.

The youngster's mum, Nicola Espinal, said: "The pageant contest is all about empowering teens, having fun and making friends.

"Yngrid has got to find a sponsor to compete in the Grand Final the sponsorship fee is £350, as this is charity based the money will go toward charity called Together for Short Lives.

"The sponsor can also claim the VAT back. If a sponsor does come forward this would be amazing."

Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the competition said: "This is a wonderful opportunity for contestants to make new friends from across Great Britain.

"It offers teenagers the chance to participate in a competition that combines glamour and celebrating their success and achievements."

Further details on the competition can be found at: www.missteengreatbritain.co.uk