Thank goodness opposition parties are acting to prevent the deletion of EU laws.

EU laws on consumer rights, environmental protection, workers’ rights, health and safety, maternity rights, holiday pay and much more, are not the product of that Brussels bureaucrat bogeyman many Leave supporters fantasise about.

They are the product of the UK working over decades with other nations to improve the lives of ordinary people. We helped create those laws for a reason.

Brexit is already wrecking our economy, costing us all thousands of pounds a year. We need to prevent the Tories from further harming our nation and our future.

They’ve no right to transform our country into an unregulated sweatshop where pollution runs rampant, workers lose maternity pay and health and safety protection, safety standards are removed from food and children’s toys, and all the rest of it.

Enough is enough. If millionaires like Rees-Mogg and chums wish to behave like feudal barons let them buy their own little island and deregulate each other, leaving the rest of us alone.

Christian Vassie, Wheldrake