I usually cycle everywhere in York and I can guarantee to arrive at my destination very quickly.

If my trip is within the outer ring road it is unlikely to take more than 20 minutes. It doesn’t cost me anything, I don’t have a problem with parking, I can combine lots of errands into one trip, plus I get plenty of exercise.

However, I decided on a trip by car to the wonderful Brunswick Organic Nursery in Bishopthorpe on Saturday, not wanting to return on my bicycle with a pannier of compost and battered plants.

I returned along Tadcaster Road. To my horror I was caught up in a huge queue; it took 20 minutes to just get from Askham Bar to the junction with Scarcroft Road.

I saw very few cyclists. If 20-30 per cent of car drivers could transfer to bikes or the bus, just think how much more pleasant our city would be and so much better for drivers’ mental health and blood pressure!

Sara Robin, Wentworth Road, York