There’s nothing better in the lead-up to Christmas than binge-watching the classic festive movies to get in the mood.

Whether you think it's too soon or you’ve already ticked Home Alone off your list, Christmas will soon be here so why not kick back, relax and start the festive movies?

New research, commissioned by, has analysed exactly what are the UK’s favourite Christmas movies this year, to help inspire your next movie night.

The researchers looked at IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes audience scores for every movie on the list.

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York Press: Is Love Actually your favourite Christmas movie?Is Love Actually your favourite Christmas movie? (Image: Canva)

With classics such as Love Actually and The Holiday featured, here are the top Christmas movies in the UK this year.

UK’s favourite Christmas movies (in order)

  1. Love Actually    
  2. Elf
  3. Home Alone
  4. The Holiday
  5. Last Christmas
  6. Gremlins
  7. It's a Wonderful Life
  8. A Christmas Carol
  9. Arthur Christmas
  10. The Nightmare Before Christmas


Without any surprise, Love Actually comes at the top of the list, with 159,000 monthly searches. A classic Christmas movie from the UK that features a star-studded cast, including Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, Keira Knightley, Liam Neeson, and the late Alan Rickman.

In second place is a classic from across the pond starring Will Ferrell; Elf, which has 125,000 searches. It follows Buddy, raised by and among elves on the North Pole, on his search for his father, a relentless businessman who seems to have no room for his grown, childlike son.

A spokesperson for CasinoTop10 commented on the findings: “Year after year, we see several Christmas movies released on various platforms. Many of the newer releases are retellings of well-known and beloved stories, like the recent musical comedy Spirited, which stars Will Ferrell, Ryan Reynolds, and Octavia Spencer and tells A Christmas Carol story from the perspective of the Ghost of Christmas Present; or the previously mentioned Home Sweet Home Alone, which recycled the story already told so many times, without adding anything valuable to it.

“Considering this, it is unlikely that the spots at the top of the Christmas movie list reserved for timeless classics like Love Actually or Elf will be taken from them any time soon.”