YORK may be almost 40 miles from the sea, but that hasn't stopped a group of street artists creating an inland ocean in the heart of the city.

If you head down to Market Street today you will see how the outside of the former Costa Coffee coffee shop has been transformed into an underwater world.

Turquoise blue boards have been put over the windows and huge sea creatures have been painted on them in bright neon colours by artist Tom Lewis.

The underwater creatures include manta rays, seahorses, octopus, jellyfish and sharks.

On the pavement, picnic benches have been installed and covered in aquatic colours too - inviting the public to sit and take it all in.

The installation - which will have a 3D effect at night when UV lights are cast on the sea creature murals - is the brainchild of Jeff Clark and his Art of Protest Projects team who have been commissioned by York BID to bring the ocean to York to tie in with the festive season.

York Press: Installing the new murals in Market Street and FeasegateInstalling the new murals in Market Street and Feasegate

Jeff, whose previous works included the Guardians of York project where large paintings of lockdown heroes were plastered all over the city, told The Press it was one of his most unusual commissions.

He said: "It was interesting as York is landlocked - but it is at the confluence of several rivers and everybody who came here over the years did so by navigating the seas."

Jeff said the plan was to have the installation complete by tomorrow- Thursday - to tie in with the switch on of York Christmas lights and the opening of the Christmas market.

He said the main aim was to cheer everyone up and bring happiness to people.

"We just want to make people happier," he said. "There is so much misery - everything appears to be crashing and burning but it's just not true. What interests us are the little things that make a difference...and make the world a little but better."

Jeff, who has been down at the site installing the art work, said lots of passersby have stopped to talk to him about the work.

York Press: Jeff Clark, left, who brought us the Guardians of York project on lockdown heroesJeff Clark, left, who brought us the Guardians of York project on lockdown heroes

He said: "The general public have been amazing. They are saying: 'thank you for doing something so colourful' - we are getting an amazing reaction."

Tom Lewis, who created the creatures, is a British artist described as someone who "creates layered paintings and art prints that are a colourful, playful and whimsical mix of traditional and digital techniques".