Calls for an immediate General Election are not historically justified.

In 1976 Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson resigned and following an internal contest James Callaghan was crowned PM. Despite the economic turmoil at the time (three-day week, power cuts and interminable strikes) he did not call an election until 1979.

In 2007 Labour Prime Minister Tony Blair resigned and Gordon Brown became PM. Despite the economic turmoil of the financial crisis (granted, a global affair) he did not call an election until 2010.

The current crisis facing the UK is a combination of unavoidable borrowing and spending during the Johnson era to combat Covid, Putin’s war in Ukraine forcing up inflation, and a calamitous mini budget during the Truss ‘era’ which is now being undone by more sensible politicians.

The parallels are similar and as such there is no justification to call for an early election.

Tony Taylor, Woodthorpe, York