The boss of York Citizen’s Advice has invited new PM Rishi Sunak to visit her office in the city to talk to clients about the struggles they face.

“It would be good for him to hear first hand how people are faring and how front line charity staff are coping!” Fiona McCulloch said.

Fiona, who is the organisation’s chief executive, said she knew from personal experience that the new PM was approachable’.

‘I've written to him when he had a wrong understanding of how claiming a particular benefit was happening and I got a personal letter back from him, saying that he had briefed his (then) minister for benefits on this, so I know he's approachable and takes time to listen,” Fiona said.

“My husband has met him several times and finds him intelligent, engaged and genuinely enthusiastic to help small businesses, so all good traits for the future?”

However, she said the new PM would have a busy in-tray, with people across the country desperate for help in coping with the cost of living crisis.

She issued a checklist of actions the new PM could take which would start to bring some relief.

“I think he said that he wants to bring integrity to politics, which would be welcomed by a lot of people,” Fiona said.

“He also said that he wants to bring certainty. I would like to see the certainty extended to the energy price "cap" scheme or an alternative to give people who are desperately concerned about this some assurance of what size of energy bills they may be facing.

“Trussell Trust have just launched a "Cash First" initiative to campaign for people to have enough money of their own to buy food and restore their dignity. Backing for this sort of initiative would be very welcome too.

“Businesses and charities took advantage of the Kickstart Scheme (we have two excellent full time employees because of it.). Similar innovative initiatives would show that he thinks about a holistic approach to the economy and helps at many levels.

“And of course, an appreciation overall of what charities do to help people through this very challenging time would be good!”