PLANNERS have backed a refurbishment of a block of student flats at the University of York.

The work concerns the Derwent P-Block, which due to its design, has Grade II listed status, despite being less than 60 years old.

The university can now carry out repairs to the 1960-s building, including replacing the roof, windows, panels, partition walls and fittings, and installing new bathrooms and kitchens.

They will see ten offices, 54 bedrooms and six communal kitchens changed to 57 bedrooms and six communal kitchens

A report by City of York Council planning staff says the changes will be an improvement. They include replacing some items installed during a 1990s refit, such as replacing plastic-framed windows with aluminium-framed windows.

Despite concerns over the size of the rooms, the report said the quality of living conditions in the building will be improved and the residents would enjoy acceptable levels of amenity.

It added: “Having carefully assessed the proposed development, and considered the full extent of the impacts on the character and the significance of the listed building, it is deemed to represent an acceptable form of development. The proposed alterations to the building can be considered as an improvement in this instance and therefore conditional consent is recommended.”