YORK Slimming World groups raised over £1,500 in one day for Breast Cancer Awareness charity.

During Breast Cancer Awareness month (October), Wear It Pink Day sees thousands of people wear pink and fundraise in their communities for charity Breast Cancer Now.

Slimming World Groups across York wore pink, and enjoyed food tasters and raffles and raised £1,762.82 - well over their £750 target.

Donna Simpson, Huntington and Stamford Bridge Slimming World Consultant, said: "All across York, consultants and their members have wanted to get involved with this amazing campaign, they’ve wore pink to group sessions, donated raffle prizes for fellow members and had fun, laughter and togetherness.

"Everyone knows someone, or ourselves maybe, that has been touched by breast cancer,  as 55,000 women and 370 men are diagnosed with breast cancer every year in the UK.

"Here in York we continue to contribute to Slimming World's donations that have helped fund research into cancers related to obesity.

"Our Slimming World’s Consultants, members and head office employees have raised more than £17 million to support life-saving work through their hugely successful fundraising campaigns."

Angela Crosby, Team Developer for the York Team said: "We have raised a fantastic amount for this charity and I'm very proud of each and every Consultant - we truly do touch hearts and change lives."

 If you are interested in becoming a consultant, please contact Angela on 07894670909 or visit slimmingworld.co.uk/careers.