IN her campaign to be elected, Liz Truss, promised everything to everybody.

Three weeks in office reality stampeded through the doors of number 10 leaving her to suck a dummy whilst the new occupant of number 11 takes total charge.

All this has come about because small minded, egotistical MPs, incapable of organising a booze up in a brewery, stabbed in the back the most popular Prime Minister in recent memory.

Their success has cost their constituents tens of thousands of pounds. Well done!

Peter Rickaby,

West Park,


North Yorkshire


AFTER hearing of Liz Truss sacking her chancellor I am far from alone in recalling the rewording of St John's gospel to read: "Great love hath no women than this, that she lay down her friends for her life."

Roger Backhouse,

Orchard Road,

Upper Poppleton,



Whose name is on the top job?

I DID a double take when Penny Mordaunt manned the despatch box in Monday’s strange day in Parliament. Had I blinked and Captain Mordaunt RNR was now at the governmental tiller?

Could Penny Mordaunt’s destiny be written in her initials - PM? Then again there are alternative initials on offer that probably include JH, RS, BJ, BW and even LT. They may just be the tip of the iceberg of would-be contenders for the poisoned chalice/top job* (*delete which doesn’t apply).

Glad I’m not a betting man.

Derek Reed,

Middlethorpe Drive,

