CITY of York council health leaders have issued advice to employers on supporting menopausal employees in the workplace.

Ahead of World Menopause Day on Tuesday, October 18, City of York council health leaders has made new menopause Policy and Guidance documents available for staff and managers avout how perimenopause and menopause symptoms can affect women at work and to ensure that support is available for them.

Councillor Carol Runciman, Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Public Health said: "Recently conversation about the effects of perimenopause and menopause and the needs of those experiencing them has become much more mainstream, reducing the related stigma.

"As an employer we welcome that, but recognise there is more that can be done. For us, that has meant practical changes for staff to make work bearable and avoid questions or feelings of embarrassment.

“Those going through perimenopause and menopause retain a hugely important role in our workplaces and broader society.

"It is essential and right that we all acknowledge that, that we provide the proper support, and that we learn to talk openly about this issue.”

World Menopause Day, held every year on October 18, designated by the International Menopause Society to raise awareness of menopause and to support options to improve health and well-being for women in mid-life and beyond.