I notice the city council failed to follow some very simple legal requirements resulting in its meetings being cancelled once again (‘Deeply embarrassing’ City of York Council blunder sees all meetings postponed - again, October 10).

Given that there’s no way the officers responsible for such incompetence will ever be fired, I suppose I’ll have to congratulate them instead.

With meetings cancelled again this is at least another week where the powers-that-be won’t be able to approve further development in the green belt, close down any more roads, award themselves and the senior officers a pay rise, waste hours of YouTube time singing on about climate change or vote to snatch even more of the local citizens wealth in council tax.

Keep up the good lack of work and let’s see how long it takes before anybody notices there’s no activity down at West Offices these days.

Dr Scott Marmion, Woodthorpe, York


Another case of local democracy postponed

Is this another consequence of City of York’s working from home policy? Postponement of the democratic process because there’s no-one to put up public notices of council meetings (an arduous task). Yet again, the tail wagging the dog.

R Gray, Hunters Way, York