A planning application for a new station north of York is to be submitted “as soon as possible” to avoid any chance of missing out on government funding.

Plans for a new station in Haxby have taken another move forward after councillors agreed to take a series of steps which they hope will result in a station for an area which has not had once since the 1930s.

Over the course of this year, an additional £1.1 million in government funding has been secured and a resident consultation on the plans has been undertaken, but the full funding has not yet been finalised by the Department for Transport (DfT).

According to a council report: “Any delay introduced to the programme may risk government potentially not awarding the expected full funding, or alternatively withdrawing any funding already committed at that stage, thus jeopardising the entire project.”

Senior projects manager Richard Holland said: “We are up to the point now where time is critical that we do advance a planning application.”

Director of environment, transport and planning James Gilchrist said the government had indicated that funding for the project could still be forthcoming as long as work starts on the site by 2024, rather than this being a deadline for completion as previously thought.

Towthorpe Road was chosen as the site for the station over several other options, including land at Station Road, last year – which has provoked local disagreement.

Haxby Town Council has registered its opposition to the proposal, with many councillors feeling that a location closer to the ring road would be a better option.

While 81 per cent of people consulted said they were supportive of a station in Haxby, councillors have said no one has been allowed to have a say on where exactly it should be.

Ian Craven, a member of the town council but speaking in a personal capacity as a resident, said the consultation was “flawed” and that the city council should consider going back to the DfT to ask for more time to allow for another site to be chosen.

He said: “A location closer to the bypass would reduce council expenditure because much of the new infrastructure proposed is not needed.

“Evidence shows that locating in the New Earswick area would help the green agenda and as a consequence would reduce council expenditure.”

City of York Council has already said the case for Towthorpe Road included the ownership of the land, deliverability within Government timescales, potential connectivity, and ease of access.

The council has committed £4 million to the project, with hopes the DfT will fund the remaining £12 million.

Council leader Cllr Keith Aspden said: “Local residents in that area have been waiting patiently for many years for a much needed new railway station.

“However, understandably there will be some legitimate concerns over local impacts, so it is crucial moving forward that the community is kept involved to mitigate those concerns and therefore make the new station at Haxby a real community asset.”