Four motorists face big bills after they failed to respond to court summons and were convicted in their absence.

Paul Gerard Ferguson, 62, of Main Road, Hirst Courtney near Selby, was convicted of speeding in Rawtenstall, Lancashire, at Preston Magistrates Court. He was fined £220 and ordered to pay a £34 statutory surcharge and £90 prosecution costs and given three penalty points.

Four motorists had their cases heard at Bradford Magistrates Court.

David Smith, 59, of Albemarle Road, York, must pay £344 after he was convicted of speeding in Leeds. He was given three penalty points, fined £220 and ordered to pay a £34 statutory surcharge and £90 prosecution costs.

Matteo Focarelli, 40, of St Pauls Terrace, Holgate, must pay £836. He was convicted of failure to tell police who was driving his car when it was allegedly speeding in Wakefield, given six penalty points and ordered to pay a £660 fine, a £66 statutory surcharge and £110 prosecution costs.

Chenrui Jin, 21, of Terry Avenue, Clementhorpe, York, was convicted of speeding on the M62 at Bradford and ordered to pay a total of £344 consisting of a £220 fine, a £34 statutory surcharge and £90 prosecution costs and given three penalty points.