A YORK cat owner has appealed for people to stop falling for his bull**** and thinking he is homeless.

Charlotte Weatherhill, of Holgate, said her moggie Sid - who's been dubbed 'six dinners Sid'- was not homeless, but just 'scruffy and a bit snotty.

"He likes to live out, wander and invite himself to other peoples house for lots of dinners," she said.

She posted on local social media Nextdoor that a 'kind and concerned' person had taken him to Minster Vets.

He had also recently been taken to Vets4Pets by a concerned person because he was scruffy, and sometimes snotty and grubby.

"Please, please, please. Stop stealing my cat," she appealed.

"Please leave him alone chaps. He has a home and is fed twice a day, taken to the vets when needs it. 

"He just likes to live out and he loves making friends, inviting himself to peoples houses and having at least 6 dinners a day.

"The locals already called him Six Dinners Sid before they knew his name. He’s a lovely boy and for the record, he’s had antibiotics and we’re trying a homeopathic remedy too!"

She added that she would be putting a paper collar on Sid and dropping flyers locally to let people know.

Cat lovers have responded with interest to Sid's story on social media.

"Gotta give him credit for playing the part so well," said one.

Another person, who said they had four cats, claimed they were 'free spirited' animals who would 'please themselves regardless.'

They said: "Never underestimate a cat, you do not own them, they will please themselves.

"If you want loyalty get a dog. I am a big cat lover, I have 4 cats , so I do know what I am talking about. I love each one of them, but they are my master, not the other way around."

One cat owner raised concerns about people feeding stranger's cats, as they might be on a special diet as hers were.

But another said: "Cats are cats. My cat is fed by other people. I feed a cat that lives close by. He comes in the cat flap, walks around and has his dinner, and goes home."

A third posted: "Hope you find a solution to your problem. He obviously has a way with folk with his look. Good luck."

Someone else said a paper collar rather than a full collar was a great idea.

"I had collars on my cats until I saw one get hooked on a fence," they said. "He would have hung himself if I hadn't been there. Never again.

"You could also get a tracker, I found out where mine was going. He had his own bed, food and Christmas presents."